CMFI in Canada and the Americas

The International Christian Missionary Community (ICMC) is an evangelical Christian movement founded by the man of God Zacharias Tanee Fomum. This growing movement has representations in 120 countries on the various continents of the world. Our goal How: To use all the means available in our generation, to contribute to the great commission left by the Lord Jesus in Matt 28:19-20, and present to the Lord a billion disciples giving total obedience to the Lord Jesus in all things, disciples led in 25 million house assemblies in all the 250 countries of the world, by the year 2065.

In Canada, we are about 1200 members and about 4000 members in the Americas at this time. In Canada, we are presently distributed in 12 local churches which are functional in the following cities

Montréal (QC),

St-Johns (NFL),

Québec-Ville (QC),

Vancouver (CB),

Calgary (AB),

Gatineau (QC),


Moncton (NB),



Edmonton (AB),

Thompson (MA).

Baptism session in Haiti.

CMCI in Canada is an auxiliary base of CMCI in the Americas, in that it is called to assist the CMCI World Headquarters, supporting the start-up and development of new CMCI churches throughout the Americas, especially in Latin and Central America. Thus, CMCI in Canada is currently supporting the work already in operation in Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, Haiti, Mexico, Nicaragua and Chile. Other CMCI churches exist in the United States, French Guiana, Belize, Santa Lucia. We are currently working on starting the work in other countries of the Americas where CMCI is not yet present.

The ZTF Bible Center is therefore the continental headquarters from which we want to train or retrain, send or support the multitude of workers who are to help, advance and make our mission and calling successful in Montreal, Canada and the Americas.

If you would like to become a member or contributor or learn more about CMCI in Canada or in the Americas, contact our secretariat at