Christian Missionary Fellowship International
Our goal
1- The Gospel Crusade for all Creation
Preach the Gospel to everyone who will be alive in our generation, so that 10 billion people are reached with the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit, using every means of communication (our books, our tracts, our magazines, our CDs, our DVDs, our radio, our television, and internet), in the most urgent manner.
2- The Making of Disciple
To bring 1 billion people from 250 nations to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior who are discipled to obey Him in all things and organized to meet in 25 million house churches by the year 2065 AD
3- Precipitate the Global Revival
Cooperate with God through fasting and intercession for a heaven-rending, earth-shaking, Christ-glorifying global revival in our generation, to hasten the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ from heaven for His Bride made ready.